GAME Credits Token Details

Contract Address: 0x63f88a2298a5c4aee3c216aa6d926b184a4b2437

Decimals: 18

Symbol: GAME

Name: GAME Credits


Please follow these instructions to view/access your GAME balance in MyEtherWallet:

  1. Visit MEW and go to the “View Wallet Info” page.

  2. Click “Add Custom Token”

  3. Enter the contract address: 0x63f88a2298a5c4aee3c216aa6d926b184a4b2437

  4. Enter number of decimals (18)

  5. Add the token symbol (GAME)

  6. Click “Save”

Please follow these instructions to view/access your GAME balance in Metamask:

  1. Click Add Token

  2. Enter the contract address, token symbol and decimals of precision (18) as above.